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Showing posts with the label serenity

How to live really good life.

I statred this blog with little bit off the way for purpose. Have you ever notice, something negative happened in the morning ruined entire day or something happened to you and according to your perception the event is negative, suddenly change your thought pattern from normalcy to negative.  If you read news paper and after reading some news you instantly transformed into victim mode and start complaining regarding to current scenario or even started to cursed God for the same.  I’m sure you also heard some cases in which two brothers or father and son not even spoke single word for twenty odd years because some arguments that occured twenty odd years ago. A women bruttely raped and killed. A cases of suicides, murder or kidnapped.  Now wait for a minute. Whats your feeling. Just mindfully notice. It's positively anticipation for reading something or just influenced by words that creates negative feeling.  Don't worry if its positive or negative.  J...