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Mobile Phones and Life style.

Friends, mobile phones are now a days part of our life. Infact some time mobile phones are the only mode of communication we have with our loved ones due to our fast life. This post is not about how mobile phones ruined the life of younger generation and addiction of mobile phones. Look any technology is two way sword. I dont denied that over and uncontrolled usage of mobile creates more harm than good. There are peoples who ruined their life only because of addiction of mobile phones. But look around you. Can you live life without mobile phones. If  yes then you are on another planet. If no then there are two possibilities. Make mobile phones your bad addiction or use mobile phones a good  companion. This post is how to use mobile phones by which it can becomes your good companion. But for that you have to take command over your life choices and particularly the way you use your device (mobile phones).

Here we discuss the same.

Mobile phones helps to build or break habits : 

The equation for good life lies in substraction of good habits to bad habits. The habits are the main characteristic of our life. And building good habits or braking bad habits are one of the most important task. By changing daily habits we can change course of our direction and mobile phones can be very handy for building or braking good habits.
In appstores (Both IOS and Android) you can find free habit building apps like chain, Habit bull etc. etc. These are free apps in some extent or you can buy premium version of the apps too if available. The concept of these apps are never break the chain. You can set reminder too. By daily use of habit building apps, the apps gives you habit score and as you know when we got compelling score or number we can convert them into the games too. For example in this week my habit score is 80 or I dont break the chain for enire week, Then week becomes month and month becomes year and those cultivation of good habits and breaking of bad habits can alter your character and helps you to become another person. But for that we have to become choice maker not the mobile phones.

Mobile Phones help you to improve productivity : 

There are many apps in the play store which can be used as planner / project management apps like trello, google task, Any do etc.some mobile companies gives their native reminder apps to. Some apps gives weekly productivity score which can challenge you to be more productive by improving weekly score. You can by premium version for additional statastics. For example most prodictive day, Weekly productivity score and so on with interactive graphics to inspire you.
For focus you can find pomodoro timer too. Pomodoro technique is devloped by Francessco Cirillo in 1980s.  Pomodoro is one of the great method to improve your prodictivity. In pomodoro technique you have to devide your task in 25 min subtask and after 25 minutes you can take 05 minute break (recommended). After completion of break again set timer for 25 minutes and take break for five minutes. complete those four cycle and you complete one pomodoro. After one pomodoro take 25-30 minute break. Engross, productivity challenger, pomo to do list are the examples of such apps.

Some pomodoro timers are also comes with the feature of app blocker. In other words when timer is running , it wont allow you to open un productive apps (which you have to choose). Or additionally you can down load any app blocker or notification blocker apps to improve your focus by removing notification which disturb your ability to  focus and hampers creativity to create something great. But again you see that you are the ultimate choice maker, not your mobile phones. 

Mobile phones can help you to calm your nerves : 

There are numerous reserch done on meditation and  concious breathing can calm your nervous system. And here also you can use mobile phone apps. There are some meditation apps like head space , simple habits , inside timer , calm etc. can teach you meditation. Apps like square breathing or prana can use for concious breathing. Apps for mantra , natural sounds and binural sounds are also available and these have profound effect on quality of your nervous system. Daily practice of meditation also alters the old habit of fight or flight response. These habits makes you more calmer and in calm state you can make better decision which componded on daily basis can alter your destiny. Apps for gratitude journals also available on app stores (Both IOS and android) and as you count your gratitude or blessing you alter your entire thought process from victim mind set to prosperity mind set. 

Use mobile phones as learning device :

By using mobile phones within a year you can learn morethan you learn in your entire life. You can make youtube your personal university. Look at the versatility of the videos avaliable which can help you learn some thing new. But we are busy in looking some roast videos or gossip videos. Ask your self a question. Which type of videos you are watching on your youtube? Have you ever searched the videos like how to improve score in exams? Have you ever searched for meditation or topics that can positively influence your life. Dont go for youtube recommended videos. Those videos are like jurk which can possibly ruined your life. But search like how to save and invest money , What is meaning of life, How to be productive, How to improve communication skills or How to improve relationships., Philosophers notes, Khan Academy (Education purpose) are some of the examples of the channels available on you tube which loaded with tones of good information. There are some meditation teachers, Yoga teachers or some workout enthusiast also upload their videos from which you can learn some positive life stuffs.

You can use your mobile phones as your personal library. Apps like ibooks or play books loaded with some great features which alters your reading experience. Also you can load your mobiles with hundreads of books which are available online. On play books you can convert epub books on audio book to avoid excess screen time which hampers your eyes. In IOS this feature avaiable as screen reading. 

Use your mobile phones to track your money.    

There are few apps like home finance or money tracker which gives you features like money tracker and at the end of the month you can see where your money goes. These apps shows statastics in interactive graphics and also transfer data in spread sheets for more further usage. By using these apps you can change your money spreading habits. 
Apps like ET Money or Money control through which you can track performance of your investment and by checking the performance of investment you can save your self from future losses.
From bank apps you can make transactions, open reccuring deposit or fixed deposits without going to the banks and as social distance is the demand of current situation usage of mobile phones can be handy to avoid any contacts and putting our life in unnecessary threat.

These are few positives of Technology (mobile phones) available to us but  as I mentioned  earlier the usage of the technology is two way sword. It can hamper your life like slow poision if you not conciously take command over your mobile phones. Requirement of the mobile phones are undeniable so lets make good  relationship with the technology available to us and by using it we can alter our life positively.

Thanks for reading. And hope you like it. 

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